Making an impact during the pandemic

Unless you a scientist in the lab working on a vaccine for COVID-19, a nurse or doctor on the frontlines, or a teacher trying to keep the kids of the world digitally educated, it can feel helpless as to what we can do or how to help. There is the obvious of taking care of elderly neighbors/friends and picking up things they need, as well as taking care of you own families physical and emotional needs – which can be challenging in of itself on any given day. Of course we know we need to stay home, stay home, stay healthy and take this time to reflect, see what you are grateful for, count your blessings and maybe get a few projects done around the house, but what else…

This week I got out the sewing machine to help make masks. I have oodles of leftover material from all my projects over the years, quilts and middle school plays and realized it could go to good use for making masks. Medical grade masks are in high demand and reserved for hospitals and medical staff, but regular people need protection, especially elderly, so I’ve signed up to help a few retirement homes who need masks. They take 45-60 minutes each to make and provide a decent amount of protection. They are cotton so they can be washed as much as need and are comfortable and breathable. The information can be found at this  “FREE SEWING” website.

Stay well everyone! We got this. It will be over soon.

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