On easter this year, I lost one my best friends. Nilly was the first dog I’ve raised from a pup, and she went almost everywhere with me. I estimate we walked, ran, swam and hiked atleast 15K miles together over the past 10 years. She was my studio mate, keeping me company while I worked, but everyday, she also got me outside for fresh air and pushed me through the inevitable designer-block.
She was our (70lb) lap dog, my studio partner, co-pilot, walking companion, and watcher over my kids as they grew up. She was a warm blanket on a cold day and a shoulder to cry on. She made us laugh with her funny yodel and had the sweet and gentle golden-doodle personality, making her a great family member.
I’m going to miss the old girl but she was sick for the past few months and so while it is heartbreaking, I am also relieved to know she is not suffering and went peacefully. She had a great life and was loved by many. In the end, she loved us back, unconditionally, like it was her purpose, and that’s why I know we were the lucky ones.
RIP Nils.