Changing Lives – A Lifewire Event

Honored to work with and support Lifewire at their annual breakfast this year. Powerful stories were shared by board members and survivors. Lifewire answers over 10,000 calls and helps over 4,000 families each year in our community to flee domestic violence and help rebuild their lives through counseling, legal services, protection, employment, housing, general living needs and so much more.


LIFEWIRE serves more survivors of domestic violence each year and continues to build new and innovative programs, but there is still more to do:

  • For each of the 230 families who found safer housing, we had to turn away five others who also needed housing to escape domestic violence.
  • We partnered with five high schools and one college, but there are many more youth in our community who need skills to build healthy relationships.
  • More than 4,000 people find hope and help each year through LifeWire’s services, but we know there are thousands more surviving domestic violence who need support to live safer and healthier lives.

We need your help so that no one has to choose between staying in a violent home and becoming homeless, every young person learns what a healthy relationship looks like, and LifeWire’s services are here for every survivor who needs them. Find out how you can help LifeWire at

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