Rusted Metal Signs for Ballard Companies

2 clients recently moved to Ballard and have been renovating a cool space down by the ship canal. It has an industrial look to it and the exterior has both modern and re-used materials, so we wanted a rusted metal sign to hand from the door. After searching around town, we ended up using a company in Australia we found on Etsy. It’s amazing how our ability find what we want has changed with one click in google!

Although I am very happy with the signs, there were two small nit-picky production issues that were communicated on my end that didn’t happen on the final product. I had a sense that some of the details were being lost in the order that happens over a series of Etsy messages, but it’s nothing we can deal with – more just a reminder to really double check that your vendor and you are totally on the same page.

I hope nwBuilt and Ambyth Chemical are happy in their new space!

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