I have taken an online class for the past year and a half, called Mastermind. One of the most important things I learned was what my “streams of positivity” were. The idea is that you have a list of things you do consistently that bring you happiness and fulfillment. You can’t do all of them perfectly, all of the time, but if you are mindful about them, you will be more likely to seek out opportunities, like a self-fulfilled prophecy. When we started this during the pandemic some of my streams were very low, due to quarantine, which explained why I felt a little down, but as I became more aware of what I needed to be happy based on who I am and my personality, I was able to give time and attention to my streams of positivity and I noticed a huge improvement in my attitude and overall mental status.
My personal streams of positivity are: Nutrition, Sleep, Movement, Quiet-time (meditation, breath-work, journaling, gratitude), Connection (family, friends, community, service), Healthy Habits (food/alcohol intake, prayer, business, housework), Nature and Creativity. I rate myself about once a week from 1-10 on how I’m doing in each stream, so that I can see where I need to put in some time.
Here’s what today’s chart looked like (6/22/22):
Yesterday, I played hookey for half a day to go on a hike. It was just one of those days I didn’t have a lot of work, the weather was perfect and my friend was available to check out this hike I had wanted to try (Lake Serene). The hike checked about 6 of the 8 boxes in my streams of positivity! There is always work to do, but if I can keep things generally above a 7, life is good.
To find your streams, look at the things in your life that make you truly happy. Look into all the crevices of your life, and places you struggle. How can you live a more fulfilled life? And how can you find more balance? Start today. Live your best life and make each day count.
I learned this concept in my class, but was explained well in an inspiring book called “Lets Do This!” by Andy Ramage.