Making Art for charity – a summer campaign

Making Art for charity – a summer campaign I believe art can make a difference in the world. It can be fun and therapeutic, thoughtful and political and an escape that expands you mind and explores feelings. The great thing about art is it can create change in our community. The other great thing is, […]
When you don’t know what else to do, create art

When you don’t know what else to do, create art! Life is hard right now…. It’s not enough that there is a global pandemic going on and we’re supposed to be in quarantine, but we have to watch black men being killed by white men and white police officers and government leaders doing nothing, well… […]
Photography eBook on the ‘Fine Art of Living’

Photography eBook on the ‘Fine Art of Living’ “Wherever you go, there you are.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn I think that quote kind of summarizes this exciting project both literally and figuratively… It has been so fun this year working on several books, but very happy to launch this eBook at a time when everyone is searching […]
What are you an expert on? Write a white paper!

What are you an expert on? Write a white paper! Many companies during the coronavirus pandemic are closed and paired down to a minimal staff. If you have the bandwidth, this can be a great time to write and develop some marketing materials that you might not otherwise have time for. A white paper is […]
Self-Publish Your Book

Self-Publish Your Book Have you ever had the dream of writing, creating or publishing a book you can give away or sell? It’s easier than you think! And really, what better time than right now during the Coronavirus and quarantine to collect you thoughts and complete something you’ve always wanted to do?! The resource I […]
Making an impact during the pandemic

Making an impact during the pandemic Unless you a scientist in the lab working on a vaccine for COVID-19, a nurse or doctor on the frontlines, or a teacher trying to keep the kids of the world digitally educated, it can feel helpless as to what we can do or how to help. There is […]
How to Design a Logo 101

How to design a logo 101 People ask me all the time “How do you make a logo? What is your process?” I thought it would be fun to track a project from start to end and show how I approach designing a logo. Initially I thought this logo would be an easy one. […]
Reflect on 2019 | Ready for 2020

Reflect on 2019 | Ready for 2020 I feel like I really do (for the first time in a long time) have 2020 vision. Anyone who knows me, knows I actually have terrible eyesight, but the feeling clarity about work, life, health and purpose is really happening, as it often does at the beginning of a […]
Looking for Love

Looking for Love Love is everywhere. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it is, if you’re watching to much news or having a hard time with something in life. But when I try to remind myself to see the good, absorb the light, and spread the love, it’s like the universe conspires to make it happen. […]
Changing Lives – A Lifewire Event

Changing Lives – A Lifewire Event Honored to work with and support Lifewire at their annual breakfast this year. Powerful stories were shared by board members and survivors. Lifewire answers over 10,000 calls and helps over 4,000 families each year in our community to flee domestic violence and help rebuild their lives through counseling, legal […]