When you don’t know what else to do, create art!

Life is hard right now….

It’s not enough that there is a global pandemic going on and we’re supposed to be in quarantine, but we have to watch black men being killed by white men and white police officers and government leaders doing nothing, well… nothing good to help. Now cities around the world are protesting these sad, racist acts against George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery. It’s almost too much to think about. And it’s complicated. Even if a protest is peaceful, it’s not a “safe” place to be considering there is a strong virus taking lives as well. One of my teenagers really wants to be out there voicing her rage and feelings, otherwise, how do we make change? I don’t know is the answer. I’d be out there if I could. It’s frustrating.

The only thing I felt I could do today was create some art on my feelings on equality and Black Lives Matter. Art is therapy, at least for me. If you are not an artist, it is ok. Just try getting out a pencil or markers and drawing what you are feeling. It doesn’t have to be great or beautiful. Sometimes it is uncomfortable. But from these feelings can come healing or clarity or understanding.This art is in progress and going to be part of a greeting card campaign I’m working on this summer. So stay tuned… More info on the campaign is coming this summer, but for now, this art is all I feel I can contribute and share with a world that is supposed to be isolating and taking care of itself.

I read the book Just Mercy last summer and saw the Netflix movie. Incredible story and in this great country, i just think we can do better, we HAVE to do better – here is an exerpt from the book:

“I guess I’ve always known but never fully considered that being broken is what makes us human. We all have our reasons. Sometimes we’re fractured by choices we make; sometimes we are shattered by things we would never have chosen. But our brokenness is also the source of our common humanity, the basis of our shared search for comfort, meaning, and healing. Our shared vulnerability and imperfection nurtures and sustains our capacity for compassion.”

– Bryan Stevenson from Just Mercy

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