Goals Review 2023

Goals Review 2023 52 Hikes in 2023 – 290 Miles This is the goal I am most proud of this year. Here are just a few highlights. Tom’s Thumb, McDowell Mountains January 9, 2023 National Trail Trek, South Mountain January 21, 2023 Camelback @Sunrise February 3, 2023 Finger Rock, Tucson February 19, 2023 Rattlesnake @Sunrise, […]
Be Brave!

Be Brave in 2023! I choose a word each year to focus on and try to create some intension around to help me reach my goals – for my personal and professional life. This year (2023), I chose BRAVE. The definition of Brave is: ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage. I didn’t know […]
Donated design for a Donor Wall at Lifewire

Donated design for a Donor Wall at Lifewire For several years I have helped Lifewire with their graphic design needs for their annual events and impact reports. This year, I was honored to be asked to design their donor wall, that is inside one of their spaces to honor all the donors. Studio 3 Signs […]
The benefits of bucket lists and going outside your comfort zone

The benefits of bucket lists and going outside your comfort zone This year was full of plans for turning the big FIVE-ZERO, and most of them didn’t have to do with work and graphic design. At my 49th birthday some friends chalked up a plan to hike the Enchantments around my 50th birthday, and so […]
Find Your Streams of Positivity

Find Your Streams of Positivity I have taken an online class for the past year and a half, called Mastermind. One of the most important things I learned was what my “streams of positivity” were. The idea is that you have a list of things you do consistently that bring you happiness and fulfillment. You […]
Designing for Events of All Sizes

Designing for Events of All Sizes I love designing for events – whether it’s a one-time deal or an annual gig! A lot of my event work has been for non-profit fundraisers where we do with a save the date, sponsorship brochure, invite, registration packet, posters, signage, catalog, flyers, brochures etc…. but I love the […]
Out Of The Box Design

Overland, WA This client started an adventure vehicle rental business and needed a truck wrap design. My design was completed by Studio 3 Signs in Ballard. Logo and park badges Artwork Mockups to the vendor: Return to BLOG | Go to PORTFOLIO
Live Boldly in 2022

Live Boldly in 2022 This past year has been super hard on everyone on this entire planet. There isn’t a soul that COVID hasn’t touched. There have been stages of sadness, fear, relief, hope and grief. And while so many people did die or get very ill from this pandemic and coronavirus, we made strides […]
Do You Need a Logo or Brand Re-Fresh?

Do You Need a Logo or Brand Re-Fresh? “You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis 5 questions to ask youself when considering hiring a Professional Graphic Designer. When you start a company or a new position at a company, the […]
Opportunites are like sunsets…

I borrowed this little phrase… Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.– William Arthur Ward I recently had the opportunity to design 2 books on tight turn around. I design a book every few years, so it was interesting to have these 2 overlap, but both projects turned out great and […]